Resources for Coaches

  • IFC has soccer curricula for teams of all ages and abilities.

  • IFC has “practice trainers” from our Youth Coaches Academy who can help you run practice sessions. Contact the club for more information on this program.

  • for coaches. Includes “best practices” for youth development, social-emotional development, and soccer activities.


Volunteers and Soccer Experts

Imagine having a braintrust of experienced coaches and trainers available to support you and your families. Imagine having administrators with intimate knowledge of every intricacy of the confusing youth soccer landscape. Imagine your players feeling part of a club, part of something exciting -- yet not giving up who they've been. 

IFC creates high-quality soccer experiences by combining the passion of volunteer coaches with the knowledge of experience, paid professional trainers.   



Q. If we joined your club for this coming season, how would it be different?

THE POWER OF CLUB IDENTITY:  Full or partial teams are invited to join our IFC Rec or IFC Comp programs. Without a doubt, there are going to be kids at your children’s school who will announce they are moving to clubs in the fall. Rec kids and school teams for the most part are left out of this evolution. But if your team joins IFC, they will have a club already. They’ll be wearing hoodies and training tops this spring. They’ll start to get exposed to the curriculum, receive the videos, get to know the teen ambassadors, and attend some of the club-wide trainings. All of this adds up and pays off -- it upgrades a young player’s soccer identity, and they tend to try harder at practice, concentrate more, exhibit a new degree of determination, and care.

SUPPLEMENTAL TRAINING: Through partnerships, we will be providing extra field time and training opportunities. Kids will get more practice; coaches will get to know each other and learn more of what we’re doing.

COMPETITIVE PROGRESSION: We can guide IFC Rec teams through the process of switching to comp. This includes various options: 1) moving as an intact team, plus 2) attracting new players, plus 3) pairing with teams of the same grade to naturally create teams of players from the same birth year.

ADVOCACY & SUPPORT: Let’s face it. Clubs have clout. They have inside knowledge. They know every wrinkle of the rules. We’ll help you get what you need from the powers that be.